When preparing an AS Concert – Lecture Agreement Template for submission, please ensure the following basic documents/processes are completed:
– AS Concert – Lecture Agreement completed and signed/initialled by artist/speaker.
– Template agreement checklist completed.
– Current Certificate of Insurance (COI) from the artist/speaker meeting the minimums as outlined in the agreement template (worker’s comp not needed for a virtual event but general liability is required). If the speaker does not have insurance, they will need to purchase it from the third-party provider located on the UCSB Risk Management website.
IMPORTANT: If you are interested in pursuing an insurance waiver, you must complete a Request for Waiver of UC Insurance Requirement form located on the UCSB Risk Management insurance webpage (https://www.ehs.ucsb.edu/riskmanagement/uc-insurance). Per the instructions on the form, submit the completed form to Risk Management for review and approval. If you receive approval, add the approved document to the agreement packet. If not approved, the artist must then provide a current COI per the agreement template requirements. Please note that waiver approvals are typically considered within very narrow categories that are described on the webpage.
– W-9 tax form completed and signed by speaker.
– Completed AS Requisition form.
– Any approval emails should template changes be necessary.
– A document control number written at the top of the agreement template (contact Ed for this when ready to submit the packet).
– Submit completed packet via email a minimum of two weeks in advance of the event to Marisela for review and approval, copying AS Admin and Ed.
All student groups should coordinate agreement template processing with staff advisors, who should be taking the lead to ensure accuracy, completion, and timelines, and advisors should be submitting completed packets, not students.
Please contact Ed should you need any clarification